Dear Street Animal Supporters,First of all: Our portal is a tool and like all tools, it needs to be used to be of real benefit.In the past proved that it really benefits animal lovers and therefore the animals they help. Unfortunately, most people think we only have accounts on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. We are like other big independent websites (e.g.,, etc.) - only on the site itself all the functions and information are visible.WE URGENTLY NEED HELP TO COMMUNICATE THIS. WE NEED MORE PEOPLE TO EXPLAIN OUR PORTAL TO OTHERS. WHO CAN HELP US?Of course, the Portal is free of charge. We will never ask for money from animal lovers and will continue to run everything with our own resources in order to be independent. We, that means is us, a married couple living in Istanbul. Questions? Feel free to contact us.What else could be done? ( are looking for volunteers to help us run the portal. BUT most important, we want to produce more 'educational material', so people on the street can learn and help animals more effective. Since we have no budget and pay the whole system from our private pockets ('Social responsible project'), we need volunteers.As you can see in our 'Poster' and 'Links & PDFs' section, we try to provide 'Do It Yourself' information in English and Turkish.
To keep the webpage up and provide even more information to help animal lovers take care of Street Animals in need themselves, we need more volunteers to produce info material:- Puiblic Relations
- Designers (For posters, graphics, etc)
- Educational Movie Makers
- Translators
- People checking and approving incoming new posts
- Programmers to improve our webpagePlease, contact us.
Thank you very much.