The Street Animal Portal
Be The Hero Of The Animals On Your Street! Join the network of goodness!
BustedTails.com is made in and for Turkey. It's the only one of its kind in the world.
What media report about us (Click here)
Be The Hero Of The Animals On Your Street! Join the network of goodness!
BustedTails.com is made in and for Turkey. It's the only one of its kind in the world.
What media report about us (Click here)
BustedTails.com is the first ever map-based web portal dedicated to street animals, a simple but unique concept launched in and for Turkey. The map-based portal allows users to post classified ads concerning street animals in need, but more important – It aims to aid and unite kind-hearted and dedicated animal lovers, thus create a strong grassroots movement. Our motto can be summed up as follows:
“A network of the good” or “Be a hero to the animals on your street!”
Animal lovers will be able to search and post classified ads in 34 different categories. Since the listings have an expire date (according to the category 1-12 monts) the portal is “self cleaning” – only maintained listings stay online.
The main categories are:
Anyone can post for free, whether individuals, official associations or institutions, allowing them to share their information, offer their equipment and/or offer to assist other active animal friends in their area.
The portal will also feature classified ads of cats and dogs in need of a new forever home, animal carriers available for borrowing, as well as people willing to volunteer their time and labor to assist local stray animals. Simply search the map for classified ads close to you.
BustedTails.com (KirikKuyruk.com) will also provide do-it-yourself educational videos and posters, allowing everyone to actively help street animals. The site will share helpful links, graphics and videos related to stray animals and the improvement of their lives.
It should be noted that BustedTails.com was created and is run by two volunteers in their free time. It would be great to share more educational information, but for that we need more volunteers to create well-made videos and posters.
Only with your help will we be able to create a large database of helpers, equipment, vets, municipalities, etc.
Stray cats and dogs all over Turkey need you:
– Offer your personal ad if you have cages, traps, time, or expertise in your area
– Tell other animal friends to post ads so they might find or offer support in their neighborhood
– Encourage your local vet, pet-shop and Restaurants (food left overs to donate) to post an ad (hey, it is free advertisement for them)
How it all started:
In the year 2013 two animal lovers were trying to save a wild street cat from the rooftop of a 5-story building in their neighborhood. After two frustrating weeks of trial and error, the cat was finally rescued. Their long struggle led to the question: “Why isn’t there a help portal for street animals?” – The idea and concept of BustedTails.com / KirikKuyruk.com was born.
In fall 2014, a crowdfunding project was started to hire paid programmers for the project. The crowdfunding PR video went viral all over Turkey with almost 400,000 views and more than 16,500 shares (On the share of Bora Yeter) – however the target amount was not reached and not a single penny was collected. Another set back, still, they did not give up and finally after more than two and a half years the idea of BustedTails.com became reality – a working portal.
Please, keep in mind, KirikKuyruk.com is a volunteer project and has no budget. KirikKuyruk.com can not accept any donations.
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